Yes, Even a "Sculpture" of an AT-AT Walker Is Out of Bounds for Lucasfilm

Here's why: it was Lucasfilm's IP, basically. Remember the case of the stormtrooper helmet? Sure, Lucasfilm won, but because those babies were merely functional props, the original designer could continue manufacturing them. But in the case of a real-size AT-AT Walker from the film "The Empire Strikes Back," this is a sculptural creation and rendition of one of Lucasfilm's greatest designs, so you can imagine the studio's trepidation.

Long Story Short, Lucasfilm Heard About a Fan by the Name of Michael Koehler Building and Crowdfunding the Giant Project Called "AT-AT for America:

And the studio promptly sent in their cease-and-desist order without fail as they've done in the past. The point is that this sculpture was going to be the infamous AT-AT from Star Wars. It was the name of the project itself and modeled after Lucasfilm's designs.  This was an epic project but also a straight-forward case of copyright infringement.

Since there has not been another blog entry for five years on AT-AT for Americ, this project has not grown any new legs.  

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